Happy Monday! We're already midway through November. In several weeks, 2015 will be over and we'll be entering into a new year. This time of year is really special to me. To me, the countdown to the approaching year makes me want to step up my level of action. The procrastinator in me loves deadlines. Which is why this time of year excites me so much.
In the past, I would work all year long then request vacation the last two weeks of the year. My supervisors thought I was taking time off to visit friends and family. But in actuality, I was at home working long hours on my side business.
When January 3rd came around, I'd return back to work feeling very accomplished because of all the progress made. Looking back, I would say that last two weeks of the year have made a huge impact on the results I'm experiencing today. That simple act of intention is altering the course of my life.
I'm here to inspire you to develop your own End of Year Ritual. Sometimes we fail to focus on our goals throughout the year. This ritual helps you make huge progress by placing heaving focus on creating the life you want. I've maintained an end of year ritual for years. Some years, I'd dedicate the entire two weeks towards business building. Other times, I'd create a consistent health and fitness routine. One year, I decluttered my entire home from top to bottom. My favorite year was when I invested the two weeks into developing a robust beauty & daily self care routine.
This end of year process allows you to take a look at your current status while identifying the areas in your life where you need to make the greatest amount of progress. That way you aren't scrambling to make changes in your life on January 1, 2015. That rarely works. I prefer making the changes before hand, then making commitments on Jan 1 to continue this behavior into the brand new year.
I'm bringing up this topic a little early because this year, instead of creating the end of year ritual, I'd like to starting "living into" the end of year ritual. Meaning, instead of using the end of the year to declutter, I'll declutter ahead of time and enjoy the experience of being in a clean/organized environment. Instead of trying to lose a few stubborn pounds at the end of the year, I'll do it now, then I'll enjoy my new body by picking up a couple of dresses. My goal, the last two weeks of this year, is to live into my desired life for 2016.
Living into an experience is a powerful tool in the creation process in so many ways. I know the end of the year is super busy. The holidays are in full effect, you've got family in town, you're cooking meals for 100 people. I get it. But if we aren't careful, that time slips by and, before we know it, 2016 is here and we feel no closer to our goals than at the start of 2015. Let's try something different this time and live into our destiny.
Monday Motivation | Creating your End of Year Ritual

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